Post Time:Dec 23,2010Classify:Industry NewsView:486
For years eco-minded Montanans have lamented the lack of glass recycling in the state. We don’t generate enough glass to lure bottling plants here, and we’re generally too far away from existing plants to make hauling our glass out-of-state cost-effective. But if you’re sending empty trucks out-of-state anyway, the math changes. It appears Target has figured that out.
Missoula’s Target store has been accepting glass for recycling for months. But it’s news to us. Store manager Katharine Foster-Keddie says every two weeks Target trailers that would otherwise return empty to the company’s distribution center in Albany, Ore., are filled with glass and other recyclables customers drop off. How much glass?
“My estimation for our store is probably about 200-300 pounds every time, but that can vary,” she says. “Sometimes we’ll have guests that drop off quite a bit at once, so that’ll up the amount we send each week.”
{rimg01] We’re guessing once word gets out it will be many more pounds than that, based on the number of people we know loath to throw out their beer and wine bottles. The bins are located in the front of the store.
The recycling program isn’t limited to Missoula. The company announced in April the launch of recycling stations in every store. Said Shawn Gensch, vice president of brand marketing:
“We know that eco-friendly living is top-of-mind for our guests, and the launch of store recycling stations allows us to continue to partner with them to curb unnecessary waste in our stores and our communities. Target is committed to the preservation of the environment and to giving our guests eco-friendly options that will help them live more sustainably.”
Source: missoulanews.bigskypress.comAuthor: shangyi