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GPD 2011 Final Program Features Energy Efficiency and Solar Technology at the Forefront

Post Time:Mar 03,2011Classify:Company NewsView:560

The Glass Performance Days (GPD) organizing committee has launched the final program for the June 17-20, 2011 conference. The main conference theme is "Glass and Solar in Sustainable Development." The organizers expect some 1,000 participants from 60 countries and have prepared an event program that includes presentations and pre-conference workshops (June 16-17, 2011), as well as networking and informal social get-togethers. In addition, the program features some special novelties. These include the opening of a special energy efficiency and solar park adjacent to Tampere Hall, the conference venue, and an invitational architect competition for the creation of a permanent landmark associated with the conference, and a contact forum to serve conference participants.


"We have a very special package this time," says Jorma Vitkala, chairman of the GPD organizing committee. "Naturally, we feature our traditional key sessions - Glass in Architecture, Glass Processing, Solar and Glass Technology, Changing Markets and Transportation, Automotive and other Vehicles. A glass product expo and 18 workshops complete the offering. The expo has proven particularly useful for participants who have wished to launch new products or concepts before an international expert audience prior to full scale commercial introduction. But there is more," says Vitkala.


For example, the energy-efficiency and solar park is a new concept. Exhibitors from industry, the public sector, research and development have put together an exposition that presents contributions to sustainable development. The park is open June 17-18, 2011, for experts as well as the public. Likewise, the architect competition is an invitational event with four internationally well-known participants. The objective is to produce a creative solution for a parking facility entrance in Central Tampere at the Bank of Finland Square. The results of the competition will be announced as part of the GPD program.


In addition, the expanded contact forum activity offers participants an opportunity to maximize the efficiency of their GPD stay. The mission of the contact forum is to prepare the ground for enhanced networking and to enable and facilitate one-on-one meetings requested by participants. The forum will also help to identify topics for further exploration, enhancing future business opportunities and the sharing of new ideas.


"Our intention is to feature the same type of competition during future GPDs, thus leaving landmarks in the form of 'a string of glass pearls' in Central Tampere," explains Vitkala. "Each pearl represents leading glass construction know-how at the time it is designed and built and we hope for the current and future pearls to provide insights into how glass constriction develops over the years."


He continues, "At the same time the pearls represent the engagement of the city in our conference and development of the conditions under which the glass cluster in the conference home town works."


Source: http://www.usgnn.com/newsGPD20110302.htmAuthor: shangyi

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