Post Time:Mar 29,2011Classify:Company NewsView:732
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 28, 2011) - Glass Earth Gold Limited (TSX VENTURE:GEL)(NZAX:GEL) ("Glass Earth") is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling activities at the Serpentine gold prospect in central Otago, New Zealand (refer to map below).
Serpentine (Rough Ridge – Lake Onslow, Central Otago)
Diamond drilling commenced on March 29, 2011 as part of a 5 hole program to test a 12 km long gold anomalous shear zone. Rock chips ranging from 2 – 30 g/t gold together with coincident high soil gold geochemistry (up to 1500ppb), mapped mineralized shears and magnetic/resistivity anomalies provide strong encouragement for drill testing this prospect (see map below).
The CEO of Glass Earth, Mr Henderson, commented that "he was excited to be finally drilling one of Glass Earth's highest priority targets, as this drilling was originally planned 2 years ago but had been delayed for various financial and weather related reasons".
Background Information on Serpentine Gold Prospect
The Serpentine gold prospect lies in the centre of the Otago schist belt, a mesothermal gold province host to the 7M oz Macraes Mine (OceanaGold 100%) currently producing in excess of 200,000 oz gold per annum. Historically this region was a prolific placer gold producer, with some 8M oz of gold recovered. Placer gold production continues on a moderate scale today.
Glass Earth undertook a major geophysical survey over the entire area in 2007-2008 targeting major structures likely to host Macraes style mesothermal gold. A targeting and ranking exercise using the detailed geophysical data from the airborne surveying completed in 2007, initially highlighted the Serpentine prospect.
Four areas of highly anomalous gold, arsenic, tungsten - key ingredients of "Macraes"-style mineralisation strike out over 15kms. Hard-rock legacy sampling of shears indicated numerous rock chip values in the 1-15gm/t Au range. Glass Earth sampling repeated these gold values with further work returning individual rock chips up to 31gm/t gold, and 2.1gm/t gold in soils. Pan concentrates (fine gold grains in pan examined under microscope) indicate gold very close to source(s). Shears mapped were narrow, steep and numerous, and mapped over hundreds of metres (length and width). The area has been subject to pre-20th Century placer and some hard rock mining.
Otago Region exploration has focused on developing targets recognised as having the signature of orogenic - mesothermal gold mineralisation and the size to generate large gold deposits.
Field Exploration Office re-established in central Otago
In March 2011, a large office/workshop was established in Alexandra, central Otago and 4 additional staff employed. All field equipment and other exploration staff have relocated into these premises in preparation for an increased level of drilling and exploration activity.
About Glass Earth Gold Limited
Glass Earth is one of the largest New Zealand-based gold exploration companies exploring a land position of over 2,800 square kilometres in the North and South Islands.
In the North Island, exploration efforts are focused on large epithermal gold systems in the Hauraki/Central Volcanic Region. This Region is host to the 10 million ounce Martha Gold Mine, (Newmont Mining).
Hauraki Region – Glass Earth occupies a significant ground position around the Waihi/Martha Gold Mine; The Newmont-Glass Earth Waihi West JV (Newmont earning 60%) and Hauraki JV (North and Central Areas - 65/35) are currently being explored and managed by Newmont. Exploration at the WKP gold prospect is ongoing following the very encouraging 2010 drilling results on that prospect.
Central Volcanic Region – Glass Earth has defined several significant epithermal gold targets in this region including the Muirs Reef project (Mamaku district).
In the South Island, exploration efforts are focused on the Otago Region for mesothermal "Macraes-style" gold targets and alluvial gold.
Otago Region – Field programmes to support the drilling of highly ranked Serpentine and Game Hen gold targets are underway.
Two alluvial mining operations continue into the 2011 year, coupled with an acceleration of alluvial exploration and resource definition; Glass Earth / Dunstan Mining (placer mining 50/50 partner) anticipates a significant increase in gold output in 2011.
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Source: shangyi