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AAMA Announces Availability of Field Testing Course

Post Time:May 04,2011Classify:Glass QuotationView:753

AAMA Announces Availability of Field Testing Course

A new education course focusing on field testing has been produced by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (

The course was developed by the AAMA Field Testing Education Task Group, chaired by Kim Flanary (Milgard Manufacturing) and is focused on forensic water testing for the purpose of finding leaks. The presentation compares the AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 lab test to the AAMA 502 quality assurance field test and the AAMA 511 forensic evaluation. The course also defines the procedure to use for forensic water testing.

Flanary says that “codes and standards help lay the foundation for forensic water testing, but successful testing often relies on the experience and judgment of the test engineer. There are many common trouble spots that test engineers will encounter during their testing, and this education course serves as a helpful tool in outlining several of the problems that test engineers may encounter in the field.”

Scott Warner (Architectural Testing), who served as vice chair of the task group, adds that “there are three main types of water tests that are performed on façade systems and components. Lab testing and quality assurance testing are well-defined within the industry, but the criteria for forensic water testing are more obscure. This education presentation, then, helps to fill this knowledge gap in the industry and educate industry professionals on the importance of the forensic water test.”

In addition to the

Source: AAMAAuthor: shangyi

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