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Heinz brings back classic ketchup bottle

Post Time:May 11,2011Classify:Company NewsView:497

Heinz has given a nod to the past by packaging its ketchup in classic glass bottles.

Limited-edition glass bottles of Heinz tomato ketchup will be available in a 14-oz. size for a suggested retail price of $1.99 at select retailers, including Walmart and Safeway, now through August, Heinz said Tuesday.


“While the convenience of our current, squeezable bottles found in grocery stores has been a hit with today’s families and their lifestyles, consumers still associate Heinz ketchup with our iconic glass bottle and routinely ask where they can find them,” Heinz Brands VP Noel Geoffroy said. “In response to that consumer demand and to inspire memories of and relive good times from summers past, we wanted to bring back the glass bottle with a limited-edition design that gives a nod to the product’s 135-year history.”


Source: www.drugstorenews.comAuthor: shangyi

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