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Double-digit Growth in latter-half orders of Xinyi Building Glass

Post Time:Aug 03,2011Classify:Company NewsView:403

(China Glass Network)Chairman and CEO of Xinyi Glass,Dong Qingshi announced increasing orders of building glass due to construction of Income Housings up to 10million units.


 Although the cut-off of lower-leveled float glass has announced by Ministry of Industry, but the cut production accounts for only 5% of the total output all over the country. Dong said that there is a slim increase in orders of float glass, demand of float glass keeps increasing in the latter half of the year and there will be double-digit growth in order of building glass.


When it comes to the progress of listing of solar business, there is no details disclosed from the company and chairman Dong just said that it’s under normal operation.

Source: Glassinchina.comAuthor: shangyi

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