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An Anniversary For Blenko

Post Time:Aug 05,2011Classify:Company NewsView:807

Blenko Glass celebrates a major milestone this weekend.

It is Blenko's 90th anniversary which coincides with the Fourth Annual Festival of Glass in Cabell County.

The event is a chance to learn more about the glass making process at the Milton factory with a hands-on lesson.  "They get to try out different parts of our production, different things that people may do with our finished products," says Katie Trippe with Blenko.

She says they'll have workshops for every age Friday and Saturday.

"It is oriented for all ages.  We have classes that are good for small children all the way up to people who want to blow glass," she said.

The classes range in price from $20 to $350 depending how involved you want to get.

In honor of the company's birthday, they'll be offering three special pieces for sale.  One is in honor of William H. Blenko, a blue vase with a commemorative etch, a 90th anniversary Rainbow vase and, as a tribute to Appalachian music, a cinnamon-red fiddle.

All of those pieces are limited in number.

Blenko started in 1921 in Milton.  The company survived the great depression, several recessions and numerous changes in taste in glassware.

Trippe says they still produce one piece that dates back to the company's early days in business.

"We have one piece in our line that was started in 1938. So I guess you would say it's the piece with the longest running history with our company. It's the Blenko water bottle. That's kind of our iconic piece."

The Festival of Glass celebrates the company's history as well as its present.


Source: http://www.wvmetronews.comAuthor: shangyi

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