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100% recycling of the glass bottle, 100% fresh, 100% different.

Post Time:Aug 29,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:486

Eco-friendly cosmetic packaging is now a reachable goal. 
Lumson and RINGANA have created a way to fully recycle cosmetic airless packaging used to launch the new skin care line “Rifresh”. A “Circular” recycling method, only possible thanks to an outstanding eco awareness campaign by Ringana, and to the innovative technology of the new packaging by Lumson: “TAG System”. The two companies were able to create a recycling chain that rewards the environment as well as the consumers!

Ringana has been producing “fresh cosmetic” for more than 15 years, products with 100% natural active ingredients, preservative free and with no animal testings. Today RINGANA stands for naturalness, and ethics, for sustainability and freshness by using exclusively fresh and pure, botanical ingredients, totally preservative free.

Lumson has been designing and manufacturing cosmetic packaging for 30 years, all raw materials, and manufacturing processes strictly comply with the European laws on the enviroment, and have been certified by Ecocert Italia. Lumson "green" policy investments include: a manufacturing site powered by solar panels (above 30% of the energy used for manufacturing comes from the sun), a water based laquering process (no solvents fumes or wastes), and continuous research in Eco Design Packaging.

The TAG-System is a revolutionary cosmetic packaging designed, patented and manufactured by Lumson. TAG, which stands for Techno Airless Glass, is the ultimate packaging innovation, it combines the beauty, the preciousness and the luxury of a glass bottle with all the technical and functional advantages of an Airless System, such as: total formula protection, preservation of natural active ingredients from deteriorating, longer shelf life of preservatives free formulas, and no product waste (restitution rate above 95%).

This is why Ringana chose it to launch its new skin care line “RIfresh“ which includes 7 products dedicated to face care and protection. The glass bottles have been customized by Lumson, following Ringana’s brand image, using minimal, neutral and natural color tones to enhance the freshness of the product contained.

Frosted glass bottles, neutral dispensing systems, clear PP over caps, everything has been designed to create a delicate, natural and fresh image. To differentiate one product from the other one, the bottles have been screen printed, with lead-free inks, in different pastel colours.

In order to allow the reuse of glass and decorations in a constant recycling circle, and to protect the screen printing from deteriorating during the process, a special extra-strong “Ceramic Screen Printing” has been used by Lumson to decorate the packaging.

The TAG-System is a packaging solution with a very strong ECO ATTITUDE, a “Responsible Recycling Packaging”. In fact, thanks to a special Lumson patented multi-functional component called “Eco-Lock system” the final consumer, after usage, by simply unscrewing the pump can easily separate all plastic components from the glass bottle allowing to recycle each material separately (glass in one side and plastic on the other). Once the glass has been separated from the plastic components the final user can send the bottle, already clean because it was never in touch with the product, back to Ringana. A this point Ringana sends it back to Lumson, that will reuse it to manufacture a brand new Airless packaging.

Ringana’s campaign is simple but effective, each client that recycles 10 glass bottles by sending them back to Ringana gets a new cosmetic product for free. An amazing idea to encourage and train the final users to have an environmental responsible behavior, a behavior that rewards everyone!

But there is more, Ringana’s Management analyzed every single aspect of a correct Eco Sustainable campaign. So also the secondary packaging was a problem to deal with. In order to avoid the usage of carton boxes or any other material, whose only purpose is to contain the glass bottle and to end up as waste after opening, Ringana decided to use a beautiful little towel, made of 100% organic cotton, as a secondary packaging of its “RIfresh” line, the towel contains the glass bottle, and after opening it becames a useful object that final clients want to keep for their own use. NO WASTE of carton boxes or paper! The only paper that had to be used to keep the towel wrapped, was carefully chosen and it is certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). The FSC label ensures that the forest products used are from responsibly harvested and verified sources.

Source: http://www.packagingeurope.comAuthor: shangyi

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