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XXVI A.T.I.V. Conference GlassTrend Seminar

Post Time:Sep 05,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:423

Energy Efficient & Environmental Sound Glass Production and Glass Products 

Parma, 27-28 October 2011 

Aula Magna Palazzo Centrale Università degli Studi di Parma

China Glass Network


The Conference organised as a joint event by A.T.I.V. (Association of Italian Glass Technologists) and GLASSTREND (GLASS Technology REsearch & New Developments consortium) is part of the institutional activities of the A.T.I.V. Association and GlassTrend Consortium to promote technical and scientific knowledge and improve the competitive strength of glass industries, their suppliers and customers.

The conference is intended as a starting point to receive state-of- the-art information on environmental and energy technologies for glass production and glass product performance and it is a platform for exchanging information on these subjects. An occasion where participants can get out enhanced and enriched information, and obtain a clear picture of important developments. The creation of new “good ideas” is the result of innovation and new contacts, as those that may arise from fruitful discussions among the conference participants. The conference, in a pleasant atmosphere, aims to promote and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among people who work in similar fields, but rarely have the opportunity to meet and discuss. The final program of the Conference is presented hereafter. Since many glass products strongly contribute to climate and environmental goals by saving energy in buildings or using glass for energy generation equipment, the subject of environmental sound glass products is an important part of the conference.

Source: A.T.I.V.Author: shangyi

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