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Southwall, Pleotint launch IG combining suspended film and sunlight responsive glazing technologies

Post Time:Sep 28,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:435

The combined solution provides center-of-glass insulating performance of 0.13 (R8) with Argon gas fill. In addition, visible light transmission and solar heat gain coefficient adaptively vary based on sun exposure from 44 percent to below 10 percent and from 0.28 percent down to 0.12 percent, respectively. While not part of the initial product configuration, options such as a second Heat Mirror film, Krypton gas, or both, could be used to further improve center of glass insulating performance below 0.10 (R10), according to the release.

"Dynamic heat gain management and high thermal insulation are complementary solutions," said Dennis Capovilla, CEO of Southwall Technologies, in the release. "We are excited about our work with Pleotint to combine two technologies and deliver the industry's most complete glazing solution."

Source: http://www.glassbytes.com/Author: shangyi

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