Post Time:Oct 26,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:457
Association officials say the new website offers enhanced information, along with online registration for its technical and educational events, as well as a better overall user experience. The association has been working on features for the new website for the past year, and the launch came in conjunction with the IGMA Summer Technical Conference in late August in Victoria, B.C. The enhanced new site is available now at
"We’re very excited about our new website and the features it brings to our members," says IGMA executive director Marg Webb. "Our primary goal with the new site was to be able to better organize the information we offer on the website, as well as increase the usability of our site for our members and to the rest of the industry." One of the new features of the website is the Technical Corner, which includes technical presentations from IGMA, including video presentations on glass handling safety, a full archive of the “SIGMA-grams” offered by the former Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association (SIGMA), a predecessor of IGMA that merged with the Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association of Canada (IGMAC) to form IGMA. The latest Technical Bulletins from IGMA also are in the Technical Corner, as well as a new feature named Bill’s Technical Corner, which features technical articles and commentary from Bill Lingnell, PE, the IGMA technical consultant and a legend in the glass and glazing industry. "Even though our Technical Corner just launched with the new site, it already is a treasure trove of technical information free for the industry to download and use," says Webb. "In the next months, our goal is to continue to add top0notch technical information to the Technical Corner, as well as to provide even more great features on the website. Our Members Only section will launch at the end of the year, and the interactive tools on that site will add an even better experience for our members looking to make a difference in the industry." IGMA also offers registration online for its upcoming IGMA Performance and Innovations Educational Conference, scheduled for December 7-8 in Vancouver, B.C.
Source: http://www.usgnn.comAuthor: shangyi
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