Post Time:Dec 13,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:849
(China Glass Network) Photovoltaic inverter is an important link of photovoltaic industry chain, accounting about 10% of the cost in photovoltaic power station. Its importance is of no doubt. Photovoltaic inverter is consisted of electronic components, having high request of technology in the development. Therefore, someone in the industry thinks that the photovoltaic inverter is becoming the haven for the depressed photovoltaic industry.
On the Seminar of China Photovoltaic Power and system integration technology of 2011, CHEN Yiqing, the vice manager of Shanghai Chint Power Systems, released that “Component is the industry driven by resource and production. And the inverter is the industry driven by technology, with technology accumulation of at least 5-10years. It is faced less challenge of cost, market price etc. than component. Even if its cost accounts 10% of the whole, with the further reduction of cost of photovoltaic power station, each parts including inverter, support system, power distribution system etc. will be squeezed by the cost. So I don't think inverter is the heaven of the whole industry.” Adding to that, he said, inverter prices will fall further, inverter industry will also experience large reshuffle in the future.
Source: glassinchina.comAuthor: shangyi
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