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Price Situation of Glass Industry expected to be Preliminary Clear in the end of February

Post Time:Mar 01,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:382


(China Glass Network) Price index of glass industry has a modest increase, exploratory raised price of East and West China also drives promotion of price index while price changing range is smaller in North and Northeast China. With limit demand of slack season and high inventory, price fluctuation has little influence on marketing.


Price of glass products is close to that of financial crisis in 2008, price of heavy oil and soda ash increase greatly however, which makes it more difficult for flat glass industry to make profit.


Price of PV industry shows a modest recovery and price of polycrystalline silicon keeps increasing as in early February.


Recently most of the enterprises intend to raise the price, effect of price increasing still need to be defined in consideration of industry condition. It’s predicted that February will be testing period of price adjustment and price situation of glass industry expected to be preliminary clear in the end of February.

Source: glassinchinaAuthor: shangyi

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