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Ultra-white Rolling Glass to Face Excess Pressure

Post Time:Apr 05,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:414

(China Glass Network) Influenced by the decline of all countries’ subsidies, photovoltaic modules’ price, installation and output decreases in different degree. With crystal silicon cell module’ price falling, the cost of power generation is expected to further drop. In the long term, global energy is still in crisis. Photovoltaic power is an important way to relieve this situation. It is expected that global installed capacity will reach 22GW. And China will add 1.3GW.


Photovoltaic glass, including ultra-white rolling glass, ultra-white float glass and TCO glass, an important component of solar cells, is mainly used to support and protect solar battery, transfer and control light, derive current. The rapid development of crystal silicon photovoltaic cell pulls the production and sales of ultra-white rolling glass. As the output and installed capacity of photovoltaic are rapidly increased, the demand for ultra-white rolling glass will be expanded in the future.


Since 2006, the output of Chinese ultra-white rolling glass grew rapidly, accounting for 60% of global production. As Xinyi, CSG and TG continuously expanded their production scale, domestic output has reached 9420 tons daily. At present, 14 production lines are in the planning and construction, adding 5800 tons daily. Ultra-white rolling glass production capacity will be excess.


The trend of photovoltaic industry is to reduce cost, improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells component.

Source: glassinchinaAuthor: shangyi

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