Home > News > Company News > Glass decorating company buys new building for planned expansion

Glass decorating company buys new building for planned expansion

Post Time:Jun 26,2012Classify:Company NewsView:425

LANCASTER — SRI Ohio, Inc., plans to open a 60,000 square-foot building at 1031 Mill Park Drive and hire at least 15 more workers as it expands its glass decorating business.

The first phase of the multimillion-dollar expansion will be at the end of summer and the second phase will be by the end of the year, company vice president of operations Bob Muckensturm said.

He said the first phase will involve the etching and frosting of glass, but would give not details of what the second phase will entail.

Muckensturm said a good economy and a good workforce are two major reasons for the expansion.

“We wouldn’t be talking about an expansion if it weren’t for the work ethic of our people,” he said.

SRI Ohio, Inc., is a subsidiary of Serigraphics Richford, Inc., of Montreal. It deals primarily in bottles for the liquor industry. The company started its local operation in September 2010.

Source: http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/article/20120Author: shangyi

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