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Glass packaging GROWTH helps industry to weather LONG-WINDED CRISIS

Post Time:Dec 13,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:338

Glass packaging production volumes in Europe grew by 1.9% in the first half 2012 according to data published today by the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) (1). The growth is in response to the increasing demand on the domestic and outside EU markets. This builds on the positive trend recorded in 2011. Despite the unstable economic and financial crisis that negatively affects the whole European manufacturing sector, these records shed a positive light on the stability and future prosperity of the European container glass sector. 

In the first six months, the industry (2) produced 10.9 Mtonnes of glass compared to 10.7 Mtonnes in the first half 2011. The increase was striking in countries such as Portugal (13%), Poland (7%) as well as in the North & Central Europe (6.2%) and South & East Europe (5.1%). Other EU countries like United Kingdom (2.9%), Germany (1.4%) and Spain (1%) kept the steady trend of previous years while other countries recorded a slow-down after strong growth in 2011. Turkey confirms a dazzling trend (8.3%).

Despite encouraging results, the impact of the long-winded financial crisis on the industry continues to weigh heavily on the competitiveness of the EU industry. Increasing energy prices (3), unilateral CO2 costs, fluctuating and unfavourable exchange rates, and high labour costs hamper the cost competitiveness at global level of the container glass sector. Combined, these challenges delay long-term investment decisions and rather become incentives for delocalisation of production sites and R&D investments outside EU to more industry friendly environments with lower costs.

The EU manufacturing sector, including the container glass industry, continues the main driver of productivity growth in the EU. According to the European Commission (4), Europe accounts for about 30% of global consumption, and the European industry is clearly the most important sector for European international trade accounting for over 90% of overall exports of goods.

We strongly support the policy strategy of the European Commission, focusing on the manufacturing industry as powerhouse of the EU economy – comments Stefan Jaenecke, President of FEVE – The container glass industry is making major efforts to adapt and innovate itself while continuing to meet market demand for a high quality and highly competitive packaging solution. These efforts need however to be supported by a legislative and economic framework that encourages the industry to look beyond short term results and fix long-term and sustainably sound objectives.


(1)                 Production of container glass for food and beverage, flacons for perfumery, cosmetics and pharmacy. Published on www.feve.org
(2)                 Including Switzerland and Turkey
(3)                 See e.g. COM(2012) 582 final communication from the EC to the EP, the council, the EESC and the CoR – A Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery  “[...] Energy prices for European industry went up by 27% in real terms between 2005 and early 2012, which is higher than in most of other industrialised countries, especially US” http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2012:0582:FIN:EN:PDF
(4)                 See above EC communication "A Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery" 

About FEVE

FEVE is the association of European manufacturers of glass containers and machine-made glass tableware. The members of FEVE produce over 20 million tonnes of glass per year.  The association has some 60 corporate members belonging to approximately 20 independent corporate groups.  Manufacturing plants are located across 23 European States and include global blue chip and major companies working for the world’s biggest consumer brands. See more on www.feve.org

About the Container Glass Industry

The European container glass industry provides a wide range of glass packaging products for food and beverages as well flacons for perfumery, cosmetics and pharmacy to their European and world customers. With its 160 manufacturing plants distributed all over Europe, it is an important contributor to Europe’s real economy and provides direct employment to about 50,000 people, while creating a large number of job opportunities along the total supply chain. See more on www.feve.org

About Glass

As packaging, glass containers assure the preservation, safe delivery and attractive presentation of a vast array of consumer products, supplied to European and world markets. Whether used for drinks, food, cosmetics, perfumes or pharmaceuticals, glass plays a vital role in supporting European trade and commerce.  Glass is 100 percent recyclable, virtually inert and preserves the original taste of the products it contains. Baby food products – like milk - need the protection of its container to preserve its purity and its vitamins. Because health is not only in the ingredients but also in the packaging that preserves these ingredients.

For further information contact:

Michael Delle Selve, Communications and Operations Manager, FEVE
E-mail: m.delleselve@feve.org, Direct Line: +32 (0)2 536 00 82, Mobile +32 475 52 24 58

12.12.2012, European Container Glass Federation (FEVE)

Source: European Container Glass Federation (FEVE)Author: shangyi

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