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10 Predictions For The Future Of Google Glass

Post Time:Mar 06,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:494

The Google Glass project is generating a significant amount of buzz. Really, it is scary how amped up people are about the product. But, why shouldn’t they be? It is a whole new technology. If you don’t know, Google Glass is the name of a new technology Google is developing that basically allows you to view things you would normally see on a smart phone through a pair of glasses, as well as do much more. In this blog post we make some predictions for the future of Google Glass.

1. The Small Screen Will Force Those To Adapt To Space Constraints

The Google Glasses will, of course, have a smaller screen than a PC. But the glasses will also have a smaller screen than any smart phone on the market. The viewing area is minimal, and it only resides on the right hand side. Because of this, everything that is rendered for Google Glass will be incredibly small. This will create a whole new medium for Web viewing and usability. Google and third-party interests will need to explore different ways to perform actions and render data.

2. Less Browser Changing

Google will, of course, make their browser available first for use through Google Glass, and this will result in most users sticking with that browser. However, it is safe to say that new browsers will most likely be introduced later. Regardless, this will mean more market share for Google-owned browsers.

3. Less Switching Of Applications

When we are on smart phones, we often switch from app to app to accomplish an objective. With Google Glass, we can expect to start with a core set of abilities that are inherent to the operating system. Following this, applications will be introduced and their use will grow. While this is true, Google will get the first crack at developing all the functionality needed for the device, much like the advantage Apple had with the iPhone. If Google can do this well, they will limit the need for new apps and gain more control of this new market.

4. A Greater Need For Voice Recognition Technology

Most of the usability in this device is activated based on voice recognition. Google has improved their abilities here, but voice recognition and activation technology is still very new and buggy. Google will need to continue to improve and expand the capabilities of this technology to make the product successful long-term.

5. Smart Phones & Websites Racing To Integrate

Google Glass is scary to everyone. You can bet Apple, Microsoft and other big players are having meetings right now (or have already) to develop an ad hoc Google Glass strategy. They are asking, “Do we create our own technology to compete? Do we look for ways to integrate? Or, do we just sit back and watch?” These companies are heavily invested in the smart phone battle right now. Google Glass means a whole new opportunity to create a new generation of devices. Each one of these companies is no doubt developing a strategic plan.

6. New Advertising

Google appears to be offering this product with no ads to start. They are generating a little revenue from the sale of the device, but they will be creating ads at some point. When they do, a new ad format will need to be developed. This is going to be a tough one for Google. Creating an ad that is non-intrusive but also one inch from someone’s face is not easy. But trust me, they will find a way.

7. More Eye-Movement Focused Applications

Google has already patented a new eye tracking technology that basically follows the eye, and thus, can control the camera. According to techradar.com, “Several methods of tracking eye movement are provided, including projecting moving objects and displaying a path, such as a zigzag or partial circle pattern, for the eye to follow.”

While at this point, this technology is only being utilized to unlock the head-mounted display, there are many more implications. This could be used to play a racing game, move a chess piece, organize an excel spread sheet or perform an action (ex., move eyes to the right for “yes” or to the left for “no”). This eye movement technology, as it is developed, will be a great help for using the device when you don’t feel like speaking. It will also allow for some fun ways to interact with different device offerings. Finally, as users become more accustomed to eye tracking technology we will see it increasingly utilized in all technologies.

8. Social Media Will Need To Adapt

Google Glass is a game changer for social media. You know it, and I know it. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google +, LinkedIn, FourSquare, as well as other sites, will all need to develop strategies to deal with this new technology. Will the social sites allow for easy uploads? Will they have an area of their page that shows the person’s live feed when it is turned on? Does Facebook race to create their own device? One thing is for sure, if a social media site cannot interact properly with this technology, they risk losing users. Google knows this and will undoubtedly be creating seamless integration with Google +. At this stage, it would seem that Google + has the most to gain from Google Glass.

9. GoPro Will Suffer

GoPro has been an amazing venture to watch. A simple camera with better mobility and water resistant capabilities turned into a worldwide phenomenon very quickly. Google Glass is going to be a serious competitor for GoPro. Sure, Google Glass is much bigger than just video, but the two devices can accomplish the same goals, and to me, Google Glass looks a little less bulky.

10. SEO Will Change Yet Again

While right now, it appears that the search function is limited. Google will, of course, be offering full search abilities at some point. With the incredibly small visual interface, search listings will render a small amount of data, and overall, the way results are presented will change. I don’t want to go too in-depth on this one without more information, but it is clear things will evolve to fit the technology.

Wrapping Up Predictions

These predictions are simply ideas based on my experience in Internet marketing. They may not all be right, but there is nothing wrong with considering the implications of Google Glass. I hope you found this a good read. If you disagree with these predictions, that of course, is fine. Let’s get a good discussion going below on this topic. However, I believe we can all agree that Google Glass is a game changer on many levels.

Source: http://marketingland.com/10-predictions-for-the-fuAuthor: shangyi

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