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Vladimir region administration introduced innovative production of foamed glass.

Post Time:Mar 13,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:432

China Glass Network

The share of innovative enterprises in the Vladimir region markedly increased. In absolute terms, these figures: in 2012, 18 plants commissioned in 2013 is scheduled to earn another 21 companies. Volume of nano-two years increased from 2.8 billion to 10.8 billion rubles.The regional administration has chosen to demonstrate innovative production journalists "PECC-Vladimir", which produces high-quality patented insulation material - foamed glass mark "Neoporm."

The company was founded in 2001 and has a development base in "the Pit." Two years ago the owners bought the land, which is under lounging by the ceramic products for a year now erecting housing of the future plant. Now here the first phase, to 110 thousand cubic meters / year of finished products, anticipated investment of about 5 billion rubles. Tentatively it will be put into operation by the first of July 2014. All will turn three.

General Director Mikhail Dudko evaluates the needs of the market in his article in the 2-3.5 million cubic meters per year on special needs - equipment for the oil and gas industry workers, energy and utilities. Their demand for the product already confirmed head of "Lukoil", "Gazprom", "Rosneft" and "Rosatom" and the amount of potential orders is estimated at 600,000 cubic meters, which is 6 times higher than the original design capacity of the first line.

Recycled materials used in production - that is, different kinds of broken glass, which in the long run can be replaced by an ordinary sand. Factory line begins with sorting and bathing broken glass. All the equipment of the future plant - imported. "Chip" foam glass in that it includes full no organic additives. Specially foamed glass tightly, safe from fire and environmental point of view, dimensionally stable and has a margin of safety for 100 years of service that have been examined by leading research institutes.

A serious competitor in the Vladimir producers "glass bricks" are registered only Germans. Belarusians produce similar products clearly inferior. But the CEO of the plant shows a contrast material, even from the valuable and expensive German counterpart. The main characteristic of the new material for the domestic market is its energy efficiency. According to experts, the building, constructed of such material (it can be the primary building material in the construction of low-rise and high-rise filled in) - 25-30 times more effectively retain heat and energy consumption, for example, in a residential area is reduced from 730 kW / h 25-30 kW / h per square meter per year.

The company has an agreement with the administration of Vladimir region to include houses of foam glass in the construction of social housing. Its value does not go beyond the provisions in this case 35 thousand rubles per square meter. Now "PECC-Vladimir" already has a project on construction site three-storey houses, two pilot projects are being finalized "Vladgrazhdanproektom."

Vladimir region administration released under construction enterprises from the property tax, as well as reduced the income tax rate to 13.5% for the period up to 2018.

Mikhail Dudko hopes that in the future there will be similar enterprises in different regions of Russia - for the transport of "glass bricks" significantly increases the cost of material, consisting largely of ordinary air.

Source: Nano News Net Author: shangyi

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