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Aluminum and Glass Recycling

Post Time:Jul 15,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:393


I’ve gotten a lot of responses to last week’s request for information on where to recycle glass and aluminum.


First, I got this email from John Peters, the county’s recycling coordinator: “To my knowledge JMS is still accepting aluminum materials of all kinds, (they currently take our aluminum cans), I know that they are currently not accepting glass of any kind. We accept aluminum beverage containers, steel, (tin), cans, bimetal cans, (cat food cans), and aluminum foil products, as well as, clear, brown, green, and, blue glass bottles and jars. We do not, at least at this time, accept window glass, mirror glass, or any tempered glass. All of these commodities may be dropped off at any of our location facilities located in Somerset, (Walmart Supercenter), Rockwood, Ursina, Salisbury, Meyersdale, Berlin, Conemaugh Township, and in the near future, Hooversville.”


At Your Service” reader Bill Burkett called to let me know that he gets the best price for recycling aluminum at Rollock, right off the Route 30 exit of Route 219. Finally “AYS” reader Kathy Sullivan sent me the following email: “I saw the column about recycling locations. The iScrap app can help folks find scrap metal yards using our online website and mobile application.  Some of the scrap yards listed take paper and plastics as well. It’s a great free resource for customers. You can refer people to www.findAscrapyard.com”  As Kathy said in her email, “Keep Scrappin’!”

Our thanks to the reader who asked this question.  Here’s where to send your comments or inquiries:


At Your Service, Rob Stemple, Daily American newsroom, P.O. Box 638, Somerset, PA 15501 or email brianw@dailyamerican.com.


(Rob Stemple is the Community Outreach and Rehabilitation Liaison for Somerset County Blind Center (SCBC); a Division of the Susquehanna ssociation for the Blind and Vision Impaired (SABVI).  He is available to speak to school and civic groups, churches, etc. Rob is a member of Apostles Creed, a Contemporary Christian group based at Unity United Church of Christ that provides music for community events and fundraisers. Call him at 814-445-1310 or send an email to rstemple@somersetblind.org for additional information.)

Source: http://www.dailyamerican.com/opinion/columns/da-otAuthor: shangyi

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