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Construction of float glass plants is on schedule

Post Time:Jul 18,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:398

China Glass NetworkConstruction of float glass plants is on schedule. This was announced by the Executive Director, Abakar Mudunov. Together with the Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations Yusup Umavovym they toured the shops of the plant. Guests were shown a furnace in which a special sand will turn to glass. According to preliminary estimates of experts, per day plant will produce up to 600 tons. Plan to deliver products to Iran, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and other Eastern countries.

Installation of the equipment at the enterprise engaged engineers from England, Germany, India and other foreign countries. But the plant will operate not only foreigners. At the initiative of the plant, training abroad are about 100 of Dagestan. His company plans to open a representative office in Rostov-on-Don and Samara.

Source: http://www.steklosouz.ru/news/show&id=2488Author: shangyi

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