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Several choices in buying a glass shower door

Post Time:Aug 19,2013Classify:Glass QuotationView:475

Q. We recently moved into a new home and the good news is that our bathrooms are in pretty good shape. However, both bathrooms use shower curtains for the tub and stand-alone shower stall. We want to install glass shower doors, and want to know the different types available.


A. Glass shower doors generally come in one of four basic styles. I recommend choosing from one of the following:

Pivot — This is a swinging-type shower door that can open out from the right or left. It works like a traditional door and allows easy access. Pivot doors are usually found on standard-size shower stalls with adequate bathroom space.


Sliding — Great for tubs and larger shower stalls, these two-panel glass doors are space-savers since they do not open out. One panel slides into the space of the other to provide access.


Bath screen — This is the door to look for when you want the benefits of a sliding tub or shower door, but you need even greater access. Bath screens have at least three sliding panels that provide easy entrance.


Steam — If you're adding a steam unit to your shower area, a steam-type shower door should be installed. Such doors include a top section that completes a tight seal to hold in the steam.


Master plumber Ed Del Grande is the author of "Ed Del Grande's House Call" and hosts TV and Internet shows. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eddelgrande@cs.com. Always consult local contractors and codes.

Source: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20130818/entlifAuthor: shangyi

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