Post Time:Sep 03,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:481
Smart glass, also known as switchable, dimmable, or dynamic glass or glazing, varies the light transmittance and thermal properties of windows. Static high-specification glass can be manufactured to improve insulation values, glare control, or passive heating and lighting levels – but never all three. Smart glass can optimize each, as it lightens or tints depending on ambient conditions, programming, or user controls. Projections of building energy performance show significant gains from the use of smart glass, as do other metrics such as occupant comfort and satisfaction.The design trend in buildings and vehicles is for greater use of glass. Yet, building regulations and voluntary measures are pushing for improvements in energy performance. Smart glass can satisfy both the design aspirations for increased glazing and the push toward lower energy consumption. Although technology costs are expected to drop and production volumes increase, smart glass will remain a niche product within a large global glazing market. Many of the adoption barriers could start to recede during 2013-2022, leading to greater growth for smart glass beyond the forecast period. Navigant Research forecasts that smart glass glazing units will grow to just over 2.7 million m2/29 million SF by 2022.This Navigant Research report provides an analysis of various smart glass technologies and their applications in buildings and the transportation market. It provides insights on the go-to-market strategies for market participants and considers how relationships with glazing sector companies and suppliers are shaping the market. Market forecasts for glazing unit product volume and value, segmented by technology and end-market sector, extend through 2022. The report also includes an examination of the market drivers and barriers, as well as costs and benefits, related to smart glass.
Key Questions Addressed:
What are the differences between the current and future smart glass technologies?What is the value proposition of smart glass for various market players?How will smart glass technology companies achieve greater market penetration?What advances will improve the performance of smart glass?How will smart glass be better integrated with other building systems?Which end-use sectors show the greatest growth prospects?What level of price reductions are expected through 2022?
Who needs this report?
Flat glass producersSuppliers and manufacturers of glass coatings and laminatesManufacturers and installers of glazing units and facadesArchitecture, engineering, and construction firmsEnergy service/energy performance contractorsBuilding owners and managersIndustry associationsGovernment agenciesInvestor community1. Executive Summary1.1 Technology Overview1.2 Market Drivers and Glass Sector Dynamics1.3 Barriers to Adoption1.4 Changes Since 20121.5 Adoption Forecast2. Market Issues2.1 Market Definition2.2 Smart Windows2.3 Maturation of the Smart Glass Industry2.4 Smart Glass Applications2.4.1 Buildings Sector2.4.1.1 Commercial2.4.1.2 Residential2.4.2 Transportation2.4.2.1 Automotive2.4.2.2 Bus/Rail2.4.2.3 Aerospace2.4.2.4 Marine2.5 Structure of the Glass Sector2.5.1 Financial Condition of the Flat Glass Sector2.5.2 Customer Relationships2.6 Smart Glass Go-to-Market Strategies2.6.1 Film/Interlayer Technology Licensing2.6.2 Vertical Integration2.6.3 Partnerships and Alliances2.6.3.1 Flat Glass Producers2.6.3.2 IGU Manufacturers2.6.3.3 Building System Control Companies2.6.3.4 Material Science and Chemical Companies2.7 Demand Drivers2.7.1 Size of the Global Glazing Market2.7.2 Regulations and Incentives2.7.3 Zero Energy Buildings2.7.4 Green Building Certification2.7.5 Energy Efficiency Retrofit Market2.7.6 The "Cool" Factor2.8 Regional Variations2.8.1 North America2.8.2 Europe2.8.3 Asia Pacific2.8.4 Rest of World2.9 Barriers2.9.1 Proof of Long-Term Durability2.9.2 Cost Premium over Conventional Windows2.9.3 Shortcomings of Predictive Energy Performance Modeling in Buildings2.9.4 Sparse Data Regarding Cost-Reducing Benefits of Smart Glass2.9.5 Glazing Unit Size3. Technology Issues3.1 Conventional Glass Facade Technologies3.1.1 Double- and Triple-Paned IGUs3.1.2 Low-Emissivity3.1.3 Mechanical Shades and Louvers3.1.4 Comparison to Smart Glass3.2 Smart Glass Technology Overview3.2.1 Suspended Particle3.2.2 Electrochromic3.2.3 Thermochromic3.2.4 Photochromic3.3 Differentiating Features of Smart Glass3.3.1 Dimming Control3.3.2 Response Rate3.3.3 Controllability3.3.4 Electrical Power Requirements3.3.5 Ease of Installation3.3.6 Durability3.4 Building Systems Integration3.4.1 Lighting3.4.2 HVAC3.4.3 Building Management Systems3.4.4 Interoperability and Overall Performance3.5 Scalability3.6 Production Capacity3.7 Smart Glass Costs and Benefits3.7.1 Buildings Sector Costs3.7.2 Building Sector Benefits3.7.3 Return on Investment Model3.8 Smart Glass Adoption Case Studies3.8.1 Buildings Sector3.8.2 Transportation Sector4. Key Industry Players4.1 Current Leading Producers4.1.1 Pleotint LLC4.1.2 Research Frontiers Inc.4.1.3 SAGE Electrochromics4.1.4 View Inc.4.2 Secondary Producers4.2.1 EControl Systems Inc.4.2.2 Gesimat GmbH4.2.3 RavenBrick, LLC4.3 Pre-Commercial Companies4.3.1 ChromoGenics AB4.3.2 Heliotrope Technologies4.3.3 Kinestral Technologies4.3.4 SWITCH Materials Inc.4.3.5 US e-Chromic LLC4.4 Other Industry Participants5. Market Forecasts5.1 Market Forecasts Methodology5.2 Smart Glass Market Dynamics5.3 Smart Glass Market Forecast by Volume5.3.1 Technology5.3.2 Sector5.3.3 Regional5.4 Smart Glass Market Forecast by Value5.4.1 Technology5.4.2 Smart Glass Market by Sector5.4.3 Unit Costs5.4.4 Value by Component Material5.5 Architectural Sector5.6 Conclusions and Recommendations6. Company Directory7. Acronym and Abbreviation List8. Table of Contents9. Table of Charts and Figures10. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes
List of Charts and Figures
Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area, All Technologies, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Technology, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Region, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass Glazing Units by Technology, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass by Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Cost of Smart Glass Glazing Units by Technology, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass by Material Component, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Building Type, World Markets: 2013-2022Structure of the Glass and Glazing MarketSmart Glass Go-To-Market RoutesGlobal Glass Growth Demand Compared to GDP Growth: 1991-2011Global Flat Glass Market StructureOptimizing Energy Performance through Glazing Area and DaylightingExisting and Prospective Zero Energy Buildings RegulationsWorld Green Building Council ActivityComparison of Cost-Effective CO2 Reduction Potential in 2030 by Carbon Price, Sector, and RegionCommercial State Energy Code Status: May 2013Renovation Depth Required to Achieve 90% CO2 Savings, European Union: 2010-2050Study of LEED-Rated Buildings: Measured versus Proposed Energy SavingsA Visual Interpretation of Window Performance MetricsLow-e WindowMotorized Shading DeviceSmart Glass Dynamic RangeSuspended ParticleElectrochromic GlassThermochromicMorgan Library Pavilion, Colorado State UniversityMercedes-Benz "Magic Sky Control" Sunroof
List of Tables
Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Technology, Architectural Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Technology, Architectural Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Technology, Transportation Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass Glazing Units by Technology, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass by Sector, World Markets: 2013-2022Cost of Smart Glass Glazing Units by Technology, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Electrochromic Smart Glass by Material Component, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Suspended Particle Smart Glass by Material Component, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Thermochromic Smart Glass by Material Component, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass by Material Component, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Region, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Region, World Markets: 2013-2022Volume of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Building Type, World Markets: 2013-2022Value of Smart Glass Glazing Unit Area by Building Type, World Markets: 2013-2022IGU Material Cost Comparison, Static vs. Dynamic GlassHigh-Spec Commercial Office Facade Cost Comparison, Static vs. Dynamic GlassSimplified ROI Model, Electrochromic Dynamic GlassPleotint SWOT AnalysisResearch Frontiers SWOT AnalysisSAGE Electrochromics SWOT AnalysisView SWOT AnalysisEControl SWOT AnalysisGesimat SWOT AnalysisRavenBrick SWOT AnalysisOther Industry Participants
Source: shangyi
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