Post Time:Sep 04,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:361
BRANSON, Mo - Many recycling centers no longer accept glass, but that isn't the case in Branson, last week the Branson Recycling Center just processed its 100th ton of recycled glass.
The city is partnering with the Ripple Glass Company out of Kansas City. When the company expanded to include northern Arkansas, that put Branson along its route.
The city has four drop off locations that hold about five tons each and built a bunker that holds 25 tons to store the glass until Ripple picks it up. Officials say they're proud of the support they've got from the community, "100 tons, if you took 25 elephants and stacked them up, that's how much is 100 tons, 25 adult elephants or I figured out how many bottles that is, that's 400,000 bottles and if you laid those end to end they'd stretch 58 miles which is roughly from the Branson Airport to the Springfield Airport; that's a lot of glass," says Mona Menezes, Environmental Specialist with the city.
Some big businesses in Branson like Big Cedar and The Stone Hill Winery already contribute glass to the center.
You can drop off recycled glass 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the Branson United Methodist Church on Highway 76. The city also accepts glass at the Taney County Transfer Station and Taney County Maintenance Shed to go along with the recycling center on Compton Drive.
Source: shangyi