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Pilkington Fined $200,000 for Hazardous Waste Violations

Post Time:Nov 05,2013Classify:Company NewsView:356

Pilkington North America Inc., has been fined $207,723, including $187,975 in civil penalties and $19,748 in reimbursement of Department of Toxic Substances Control’s costs, to settle violations of hazardous waste laws at its Lathrop, Calif., float glass plant, according to the DTSC in an Oct. 31 Manteca Bulletin report.


Some of the most serious violations that DTSC identified during its December 2010 inspection included illegal disposal of hazardous and extremely hazardous waste onto the floors of the facility. Inspectors found acid spills in the battery recharging area, selenium powder in the raw materials section and used oil on the ground throughout the facility, according to the report.

Source: http://www.glassmagazine.com/news-item/fabricationAuthor: shangyi

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