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Corporation for the Development of the Middle Urals

Post Time:Nov 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:157

"Corporation for the Development of the Middle Urals," signed an agreement with JSC "Ural Mining Company" to enter the project for the development of mining and enrichment Butkinskogo sands deposits.The deposit is located 28 km south of Talitsy and includes two explored area: Coast and Danilov. It has large reserves of zircon sand-ilmenitsoderzhaschih, which after processing is a valuable raw material for the glass industry, the press service of the "Corporation of the Middle Urals.""The project is already underway. At present, the first line of processing plant, which provides processing of 150 thousand tons of ore per year, being commissioning of process equipment. Design capacity of 550 tons of ore per year", - noted in corporation. 20.07.2012, JSC / steklosouz

Source: http://www.glassglobal.com/news/corporation_for_the_development_of_the_middle_urals-20644.htmlAuthor:

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