Post Time:Aug 20,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:179
The leading event for the hollow and container glass manufacturing industries
The Glassman America 2013
Hear from industry leaders including:
Burying Treasure: From “Best Practice” to “Bad Idea”
By the Numbers: Consumer Trends in Packaging
The current global glass packaging landscape and how it might look in the future PLUS MANY MORE -
Glassman America 2013 is organised by: Quartz Business Media Ltd Quartz House, Clarendon Road Company registered in England & Wales | Registered number: 06894834 | VAT no. GB 976 6663 56
The tale of beverage containers as buried treasure in landfills may be news for some or an all too familiar issue for others, and addressing it is a difficult challenge. There are various, competing solutions on the table, as well as a host of “reasons or excuses” touted as to why the problem can or cannot be fixed. However, when asked, “How many of you think it is sound public policy to landfill billions of beverage containers every year?” no one raises a hand. Now is the time to support a recycling program that recovers aluminum, PET, and glass beverage containers at an average rate of 82% with minimal government involvement and cost.
Stephen Segebarth, Sr. Vice President, Government Relations, Regulatory Affairs & Law
The Glass Packaging Institute recently commissioned a study exploring consumer attitudes and understandings related to packaging and the products which they purchase. Conducted by EcoFocus Worldwide Research, well-known experts on green and sustainability consumer trends, the study asked very specifically what factors are considerations when thinking about the purchase of a food or beverage as it relates to packaging, particularly when it comes to concerns regarding the health or the environment. The online survey included a sample of 4,046 nationally representative adults aged 18-65. Ms Bragg will provide an overview of the results.
Lynn Bragg, President
Global 20 Leading Glass Packaging Companies 2013: Competitive Landscape Analysis Report: Glass Packaging Market 2013-2023 Report. The first pertains to the current landscape of the glass packaging/container glass industry, focusing on the leading companies and the current state of the market. The second is based on future expectations of how the industry will develop and takes a look 5-10 years down the line with a key focus on the subsectors by use of glass containers and packaging.
Sree S Selvam, Hard & Soft Commodity Analyst, Consultant & Researcher
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Annie O'Brien
Marketing Executive
T: +44 (0)1737 855012
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