Post Time:Nov 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:226

Reduces Costs Up to 75% Versus Spray-Applied Coatings. Reduces Safety and Regulatory Concerns While Delivering Improved Quality and a Cleaner Environment.Diamon-Fusion International, Inc. (DFI Nanotechnology), global developer and exclusive licensor of patented hydrophobic nanotechnologies, announced today the launch of the new FuseCube™ designed to revolutionize the protective coating industry by offering the most cost-effective, high-quality application process in the world. DFI´s patent-pending FuseCube system is an automated vapor deposition machine developed to apply its world-class Diamon-Fusion® protective coating to glass and other silica-based surfaces with maximum efficiency of time, materials and labor.Utilizing the FuseCube, fabricators can now coat thousands of square feet of glass - on both sides and all exposed edges - in less than an hour, all while reducing costs up to 75% versus spray-applied coatings. The patent-pending system is as simple to operate as a vending machine. Operators load the glass, drop in the Diamon-Fusion cartridges, press a button and coat 5,400 square feet or more in less than an hour with no cure time required. The automatic system conducts the entire coating process and indicates with a green light when the cycle is done and the glass can be removed.The FuseCube can then simply be unloaded, reloaded, and then run again providing maximum throughput at a minimum cost. Each piece of glass is entirely coated with the patented Diamon-Fusion coating, making them highly water and oil repellent, harder to stain, easier to clean, impact and scratch resistant (reducing transportation and handling damage), and more brilliant.In addition, the FuseCube reduces safety and regulatory concerns by eliminating risks of handling and spraying coating chemicals within facilities. It also delivers a cleaner environment by providing a zero-emission process approved by the most stringent air quality management agencies in the world."Our new patent-pending FuseCube takes what was already the most efficient application method on the planet and makes it safer and easier than any other protective coating option on the market today," explained Russ Slaybaugh, general manager of DFI. "It is the latest evolutionary step in DFI´s protective coating chamber technology. FuseCube´s single-use cartridges mean no chemicals to handle or spray, so no safety gear is needed. Applying a protective coating by hand is extremely labor, material, space and time intensive - especially if that coating has a cure time. The FuseCube can cut time, material and labor costs up to 75% and takes up dramatically less space as your volume grows. We expect these massive cost and operational advantages will accelerate the adoption of protective coatings as the standard feature many have believed they would become as demand has grown rapidly in the last several years."The FuseCube is offered in three sizes: Small (with capacity for 75 pieces up to 36"x 96" each per run), Medium (with capacity for 225 pieces up to 36"x 96" each per run) and Jumbo (with capacity to treat 450 pieces up to 36"x 96" or several jumbo panelsThe FuseCube will be exclusively distributed, installed and serviced in the US and Canada by IGE Glass Technologies, Inc. (www.igesolutions.com). IGE has been selling and servicing glass fabrication machinery for over 30 years, working with some of the largest fabricators in North America."IGE has always focused on delivering world-class machinery that reduces cost and waste in order to increase our customers´ profitability. For over six years, we´ve been looking for such a machine to apply a hydrophobic coating because we saw that business booming. With DFI´s new FuseCube, I know we have finally found what our customers need.What makes it even better is that we´ve learned the coating that the FuseCube applies, Diamon-Fusion, is automatically applied to both sides and all the exposed edges, making glass more impact and scratch resistant, which will reduce transit and handling damage, as well as installation errors for our customers and their customers," shared Michael Spellman, President of IGE. "Our expanding sales force will help our customers understand the significant profits DFI´s FuseCube can deliver with a minimum of production effort. DFI continues to display its innovative approach to the industry and we look forward to building upon our new relationship with them." DFI offers a wide-range of coatings and application methods providing the most industrial flexibility in the coatings marketplace. From the cost-effective FuseCube chamber method, which treats both sides and all exposed edges of the substrate with virtually no labor and no-cure-time, to hand-applied and field application processes, no other company can offer the range of application methods. 19.06.2013, Diamon-Fusion International, Inc.

Source: http://www.glassglobal.com/news/diamon_fusion_international_dfi_launches_fusecube_to_deliver_the_worlds_most_efficient_protective_coating_application_system-22469.htmlAuthor:

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