Post Time:Feb 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:125
StelkoSoyuz Russia together with partners TeploStek and SPC Stroytech organized and hosted a conference on 'Modernization of granulated glass foam technology and prospects of the material.' Viktor Osipov, president StekloSouz Russia told the audience about the state of the domestic market of foam glass production, the existing problems and the prospects for 2015. Let us dwell on the supply of the material in the industry - consumers foam glass, he spoke about the factors limiting the development of the sub-sector.
In particular, he said that during 2013 to achieve two main objectives: to produce a product with the technological characteristics of not less than the amount set in the European or American standards. Otherwise, we are developing the production of foamed glass in Russia in the near beduyuschem find problems consumption. The second challenge for manufacturers of foam glass creating the legal framework - the standards, methods of application of the material in various sectors of the Russian Federation at the macroeconomic level.
VI Osipov said the work currently being done SSR started, but you need to strengthen the team real players in the market. Only joint efforts based StekloSouz Russia, we will create the necessary legal framework, which will allow to look confidently to the future. Rules of the game are clear design organizations, institutions, architects.
Currently StekloSoyuz Russia includes: "SeverSpetsKomplekt", "PECC", "Mistral», TeploStek other big players, but the team should be increased. Viktor highlighted on the new SNIP "Thermal protection of buildings and structures" to the list of Materials Institute Stroyfiziki (NIISF RAAS) did not include cellular glass. There is no clarity on what the coefficient of thermal protection stopped Institute, originally the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia has set a target to establish the coefficient 0.57. What happened in fact to deal collectively, to make a request to the developers. An interesting proposal was made by the President of the USSR on the application of foamed glass to preserve food from the field to the stores, where a huge role in the preservation of valuable products must play new material, foam glass.
With a very important scientific reports made Ketov Alexander, director of «TeploStek», he scientifically proved unlimited foam glass.
On the issues of concern for energy efficiency in modern house-building plant, said Utkin Vladimir Leonidovich, president of SPC "Stroytekh." The final presentation, V.L.Utkin proposed energy-efficient solutions using modern construction technologies foam glass.
Interesting proposals were made by Marcel Bikbaev Yanovich, Ph.D., CEO of the Moscow Institute of Materials Science and efficient technologies. The main component in the speech MJ Bikbaev was made that the new foam glass product and the necessary construction market. He was not embarrassed by the estimated price of the foam glass: "If the foam glass will be 2 times the price of expanded clay, it will sell." With regret, he said that the Institute for Building Physics in the present state of date.
Sergey Chernov, deputy director Saitax spoke on how to use the granulated foam glass, developed the economy, which have been successfully applied foam glass material XXI century.
Tikhonko Arkady Mikhailovich, development director of the Moscow plant mixes of "victory" reported the successful use of fine-grain cellular glass as aggregate mortar and plaster. Application of 6 cm layer of "warm" plaster of foam glass replace one size brick that is scientifically proven and justified, said the speaker.
Words, that is not in the nature of the material of choice for filling in floating concrete structures than the foam glass, completed its report Volkov A., General Director of "Monolith". Interesting was the discussion. The importance of the event are the facts in this case, the audience was full of customers and specialists-experts producing foam glass.
StekloSoyuz Russia will continue to develop the material, the following discussion of the legal framework for cellular glass held in the USSR, in April 2013.
Press center "StekloSouz"