Post Time:Nov 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:146
BAU 2013 – Special Show: Universal Design (UD)Universal Design (UD) is seen as a challenge for the future of the construction industry in general, and for manufacturers of building components in particular. Functional units such as windows and pedestrian and industrial doors are particularly affected as they can play a decisive role in improving living comfort, safety and security, and because they are in active use. UD is a concept for developing simple and sustainable prod-ucts that meet the needs of as many users as possible. Taking UD seriously is well worthwhile, since it brings together many of the demands and desires of future buyers. The "Universal Design” Special Show that will be held by the ift Rosenheim at the Munich exhibition grounds from 14 to 19 January 2013 will showcase the implications of UD for building components.Megatrends such as an aging population, digitalisation, global-isation, decentralised and renewable energy supply and the depletion of non-renewable resources have an influence on the economy, the world of work, and our personal living ar-rangements. Industry has become aware of the role played by Universal Design (UD) and has been integrating it increasingly in the development of products such as vehicles and mobile phones. But also new lifestyles are placing demands on us. In relation to the design of houses, rooms and building compo-nents, ease of operation and flexibility in use have become a must. Demographic change and, with it, the demands of the fi-nancially strong target group of the “silver agers” means that the focus will increasingly shift to product features associated with UD criteria.Manufacturers of pedestrian and industrial doors, windows and building hardware are particularly affected because these func-tional units have an especially strong influence on living com-fort, security and safety in buildings, and they can be actively operated.The socio-cultural criteria represented by UD are features that will have to be taken into account for building components in addition to the well-known performance characteristics established by product standards, CE marking and fitness for use requirements. These include, for example, ease of use and operation. Products that meet UD criteria should be flexible enough that they can be used by people of varying levels of ability (children, young people, adults and the elderly) in different situations, without the need for specialized design or adaptation. This helps almost everybody, because over a long period of use the physical and psychic constitution of many us-ers changes. Like the current discussions revolving around the Construction Products Regulation and the issues of sustainability and accessibility, UD, too, offers opportunities to emphasise the value of well designed building components. Product design, therefore, should take into account the 7 de-sign principles of UD recommended by universal design e.V.: Equitable use (children, adults, senior citizens, etc.) Flexibility in use Simple and intuitive use (design of buttons to open automatic doors) Perceptible information Tolerance for error Low physical effort Size and space for approach and use (handle height of doors for better operation by children and people in wheelchairs)The joint Special Show from the ift Rosenheim and Messe München (Munich Trade Fairs), to be held in Munich between 14 and 19 January 2013, will present the specific implications of UD for building components. Manufacturers, designers/planners and investors will receive professional, product-neutral information on meaningful criteria for evaluating quality from the point of view of UD, as well as exemplary product solutions from leading manufacturers. These include, for example, taking account of the special needs of different user groups; adherence to legal requirements for hygiene, health and fitness for use; the aspects of ecology and sustainability; the evaluation of operating manuals and maintenance instructions; service in case of follow-up orders; and, if relevant, replacement when applications change.Interested manufacturers can apply to the ift Rosenheim to participate as co-exhibitors. 31.07.2012, ift Rosenheim
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