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Green Glass Bottles Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 20%

Post Time:Nov 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:143

According to the UK Waste and Resources Action and Plan organization (WRAP), enterprises will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% if green glass bottles are used.Gavin Partington, the director of WRAP, has released the experiment results, cooperating with Australian Vintage and Sainsbury"s companies, in London International Wine Exhibition Conference.This survey collected 1124 customers’ opinions on glass bottles package with different colors.The results suggested, the recyclability rate of green glass is 72%, while the rate of transparent ones is only 33%. The products adopting environmental green glass package in this survey are: vodka, brandy, liquor and whisky.During the investigating process, about 95% of respondents failed to discover the color of glass bottles had been replaced by green. 80% of them implied that they were not influenced by the change of glass colors. Nevertheless, 60% of them said that this experiment left them positive impressions and made them more preferable toward environmental products. 17.10.2011, WRAP/glassinchina.com

Source: http://www.glassglobal.com/news/green_glass_bottles_reduce_carbon_dioxide_emissions_by_20-18918.htmlAuthor:

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