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Made In Italy Products Always Enjoy Star Status at China Glass

Post Time:Jul 26,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:155

China downshifts to decrease the speed of its race to development but China Glass brought gratifying results for Italian exports. Once again Italy's traditional exhibit area organized by Gimav drew large numbers of visitors, attracted by the technological and qualitative superiority of Made in Italy products.        

Even the world of finance suffers from those biased thoughts and moods that, once they have gained a foothold, inevitably spread like wildfire until they become common coin. At times, or often, speculation about these more or less rapid changes becomes the very essence of financial analysis, even though later on, the real economy shows signs of something quite different. Thus, it is legitimate, in these times, to ask ourselves why China has become a source of concern.

According to analysts, the steep decline of the Shanghai stock exchange market in May and June was produced by a strategic choice of the central government, which decided to rein in the credit market in order to ward off the proliferation of speculative bubbles, like the real estate one: in March of this year the price of housing in the big cities increased for the ninth consecutive month.


That the wild growth of China's economy is slowing down is a fact; its growth rate in 2012 was the lowest in the last 13 years. There is no doubt that this is a difficult moment for an economy whose development has been on the back of its exports and that is now trying to focus on expanding its domestic market: probably it is laying the groundwork to become a permanent member of the group of developed national economies.

The fact remains, however, that Gimav's participation in China Glass had a more than positive outcome. Beginning with the size and prestige of the space occupied, where a broad array of Made in Italy products drew many visitors and customers. The problems of the Chinese economy, and in particular of the building and construction sector, did not significantly influence the results of business that Italian manufacturers of glass processing machinery conducted. On the contrary, for them the growth trend is moving forward at a quick pace, because the demand for the kind of quality that Italy's manufacturers are best at supplying is more and more appreciable, thanks to the technology gap that still sets Italy's products apart. A difference that is increasingly clear to Chinese businesses, whose main concern is being able to count on the absolute reliability and performance of the machinery they use. And to get there, they are willing to invest.

This explains the success that the 2013 China Glass show brought to Gimav member firms who participated in the fair. It is a success that only seemingly runs counter to the market, but in reality perfectly reflects the role the Italians have successfully, and at length, played: that of suppliers of competitively-priced technology that is ideally suited to the needs of a market that in order to be understood, needs to be experienced in-depth, by being there in person.

"The ability of our companies to penetrate new markets, like China, India, and the Arab nations, is well known; we have always been among the first to focus our efforts outside the perimeter of Europe - states Dino Fenzi, Honorary President of Gimav - In periods of difficulty like the one we are going through now, it is crucial to join forces and create networks among businesses, become partners, in order to leverage our strengths in the market. Like at China Glass, where Italy's exhibit traditionally stands out with 2000 sq. meters of space dedicated to products made in Italy".

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/19720/Author:

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