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Batch house orders from Zippe

Post Time:Aug 08,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:134

Zippe Industrieanlagen GmbH has received two orders from Sisecam in Turkey and Russia.

The order for Trakya Glass Rus Zao in Alaboga, Russia, was for a batch plant and a factory cullet recycling system for a float glass production line 750 t/d. The plant is designed so that it can be extended to handle a second furnace 750 t/d in future.

The order for Sisecam Anadolu Cam Eskisehir in Turkey, was for a batch plant and factory cullet recycling system for two container glass production lines with a total capacity of 580 t/d. These plants are provided with the capability to be extended for two more future container glass furnaces.

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/16683/Author:

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