Post Time:Jan 22,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:148
Julie Schimmelpenningh, also with Eastman Chemical, began with a look at the work being done on updating the Laminated Glazing Reference Manual (LGRM). The group reviewed various items remaining to cover for introduction into the manual, which Schimmelpenningh said they hope to publish in 2015. In the meantime, she noted they are developing glass informational bulletins on topics of urgent importance.
Some of the topics the group is covering within the manual update include accidental impact from animals, the addition of revised ASCE 7 maps, as well as a section on balconies that will include the new code information.
Schimmelpenningh also noted that hard copies of the manuals are selling?more slowly?than in the past, so the group is asking GANA staff to publish the updated manual as a three-ring binder, allowing the opportunity to provide updated pages as necessary.
The division also continued to work on a number of glass informational bulletins (GIBs). These include GIBs on glass floors and stairs; effects of moisture; and marking and labeling.
Schimmelpenningh gave the group an update on the ball drop specification. She explained that during a previous meeting a motion was made and approved to move the test method and specification to ASTM for publication.
“Both have been balloted at the ASTM subcommittee level,” said Schimmelpenningh, noting there were two comments, both of which have been handled, and the documents are now with the main committee. “By April we will know if [there are] additional comments or if GANA has successfully pushed through another ASTM document,” she added.
As far as new business, Schimmelpenningh reviewed proposed new language for ASTM E 1300 Standard Practice for Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings. The new language is in the section related to glass thicknesses and takes into account the thickness of the glass without the interlayer material. The group plans to review the language for further discussion.
Also as part of new business, a task group was formed to discuss and consider the development of a laminated glass deflection table.
Valerie Block of Dupont gave an update on the Canadian Standards Association’s efforts involving glass guards and railings. She said the group has formed a committee that is working on this subject and is looking at the development of a standard. Some of the areas they are covering include codes and standards from a global perspective, durability and life cycle issues, necessary safety issues as well as test procedures and installation, among others.
GANA’s Annual Conference continues all this week. Look to more news and updates from the event.