Post Time:May 03,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:182
Glass is fundamental to ‘green’ building revolution, according to Arbab
PITTSBURGH, April 30, 2012 – Glass is vital to buildings, but glass technology is vital to “green” buildings – that was the message from Mehran Arbab, PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG)director of research and technology, glass and fiber glass, to an audience of more than 300industry professionals gathered on April 12 at GLASS TEXPO(TM) 2012, the annual trade showof the Texas Glass Association, in San Antonio.
In his keynote address entitled "Glass Buildings - Partnerships in Innovation," Arbab discussedhow innovation in four glass-related technology platforms will be critical to helping buildings,which now consume nearly 40 percent of U.S. energy output, achieve the goal of becomingenergy-neutral by 2030.
In addition to these four technology platforms, Arbab said that building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology and off-site generation of solar power are glass-related technologies thatmay also enable buildings to become self-sustaining producers of energy.
Glass TEXpo is the annual trade show of the Texas Glass Association. It is devoted to servingthe needs of owners, operators and employees of independent glass companies, enhancingservices and products offered to the general public, and furthering the advancement of the glassindustry in Texas and the United States.
For more information on PPG glass technology, visit or call 1-888-PPG-IDEA (774-4332).
PPG Industries' vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coatings and specialty products company. Through leadership in innovation, sustainability and color, PPG helps customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets toenhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company. Founded in 1883, PPGhas global headquarters in Pittsburgh and operates in more than 60 countries around the world.Sales in 2011 were $14.9 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit
–120430PPG_TEXpoPostEvent– Bringing innovation to the surface is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.Glass TEXpo is a trademark of the Texas Glass Association. Glass TEXpo is a trademark of the Texas Glass Association. Contact: Robert J. Struble PPG Flat Glass412-820-8138
Mehran Arbab, PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG) director of research and technology, glass andfiber glass, delivered the keynote address, “Glass Buildings - Partnerships in Innovation,” atGLASS TEXPO(TM) 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. Arbab discussed innovations in four glass-related technology platforms with an audience of more than 300 glass industry professionals.
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