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Vitro Ratifies its Leadership as a Sustainable Corporation

Post Time:Apr 11,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:177

The Company renews its commitment to the comprehensive development of Mexico as each of its business units are honored for the fifth consecutive year

During its V Summit for Latin America, the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI, Spanish for Mexican Center for Philanthropy) awarded the CSR Seal 2012 to four Vitro corporations for its excelling performance and contribution to core sustainable development areas.

Backed by more than one hundred years of leadership in glass production, Vitro is a company with large experience in corporate social responsibility and deeply committed to the communities where it operates.

“Despite a challenging economic and financial situation, we remain focused on sustainability because it can only be built on everyday actions, shaping the future” stated Hugo A. Lara García , CEO Vitro.

As in previous occasions four Vitro corporations were recognized: Vidrio Plano, Envases, Clínica Vitro and Vitro Corporativo. Additionally and as a part of the Company’s supply chain value strategy, Magid de México and Agronegocios de Monterrey, both suppliers of Vitro, received the same award in the small and medium-sized enterprises category.

On the sustainability topic, Lara expressed that “Vitro is awarded every year for the complete implementation of initiatives that represent our contribution to society altogether. Nonetheless, we recognize that our glass recycling program has the most withstanding importance”.

As the most important glass manufacturer in Mexico and one of the world leaders of this industry, Vitro has a specific responsibility and commitment to work every day on the improvement of the performance of its produce along their lifecycle. The late implies that, together with the 16,797 employees of the company in the Americas and Europe, Vitro recycled more than 280 million glass containers last year.

To learn more about The Glass Company, please visit http://www.vitro.com.

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/15588/Author:

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