Post Time:Aug 13,2008Classify:Company NewsView:433
The NSG Foundation for Materials Science and Engineering has awarded grants totalling JPY 62.75m plus US$ 53,000 for overseas applicants, at the recent 30th annual presentation ceremony.
The ceremony, which was attended by NSG Group Chairman Katsuji Fujimoto, announced aid awards to 46 entities selected from 228 applications, as well as awards to nine universities in Malaysia, China and Vietnam.
The NSG Foundation was launched in 1979 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the NSG Group and is one of the Group's longest-running CSR activities. It offers grants for research into inorganic materials used in various industries including IT and communication, biotechnology, energy, and environmental protection.
Since its inception, it has received 2,756 requests for aid and disbursed a total of JPY 1,043m to 744 successful applicants. In recent years, the Foundation has been stepping up its activity by increasing grant amounts and expanding the list of eligible overseas recipients to include designated universities in South East and East Asia.
Source: NSGAuthor: admin