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The SORG Batch Preheater UPDATE 26.03.12

Post Time:Apr 02,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:210

Details of the planned Batch Preheater inspection March 2012:

The parts in the material flow show no measurable wear. This is obvious through the still sharp edges along metal surfaces. All material thicknesses were within the manufacturing tolerances of the steel.

The material feeds which handled the entire furnace batch look like they did at the start.

The reinforced metal lining of the feeding mechanism is also free of wear. The welding pattern looks as freshly welded.

The welds on materials in the hot areas of the preheater were inspected by a welding expert during the initial construction phase. These welds were re-inspected during this shut down by the welding expert who attested to the condition of the welds.

Result: All materials and welds are in excellent condition!

BATCH3 stands for SORG's three step approach to batch preheating. EME-NEND®, IRD, and batch preheater.

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/15494/Author:

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