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Announcement and call for paper Solar meets Glass

Post Time:Mar 30,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:187

3rd Industry Forum for Markets, Costs and Technology

Düsseldorf, 22 and 23 October 2012

Solarpraxis AG and Messe Düsseldorf are bringing together the solar and the glass industry for what is now the third time at ‘Solar meets Glass – 3rd Indus- try Summit for Markets, Costs and Technology’ on 22 and 23 October 2012. The aim is to discuss and debate current issues affecting both sectors and to coordinate together the needs of each. Following a general look at the market and technologies, the conference will be focussing on sustainable markets, cost reductions and technological development.

This is an opportunity for managers, developers and purchasers from the glass and solar industry to gain strategic know-how for investment decisions and production optimisation. The summit is aimed at the photovoltaic, solar en- ergy and CSP segments and all areas of the glass industry. We invite all companies, associations, institutes and research institutions and any other interested specialists to respond to the call for papers.

The contributions should be assigned to one of the following thematic blocks:

Markets: Current and future markets, market development, market environment, main players on the markets, market constraints, sources of information Technology: Efficiency, technical improvements, innovations, current developments Costs:  Development of costs along the value creation chain, profitability & price development for raw materials and intermediate products, alternative materials, potentials for cost reduction Quality: Instruments for quality assurance in production, compliance of standards, tools for quality control, sustainability

Production:  Optimisation of production processes, potentials for cost reduction in production, automation, utilisation, production capacities, supplier industry, role of equipment, price development Materials: Availability, pollutants, field studies, recycling, environmental regulations

Logistics: Transport routes, optimisation potential, transportation costs, proportionality, coordination between the manufacturers of the individual links of the value creation chain

Standardisation:  Status quo, specifications from other industries, current developments In certain cases, proposals on other topics may be accepted if they are relevant to the market.

Criteria for submission: Proposed presentations will be assessed by the programme committee and selected on the basis of relevance to the solar and/or glass industry, neu- trality and innovation/novelty. Company and prod- uct presentations will be rejected.

Time schedule

Deadline for contributions: 10 May 2012

Notifications of the authors:  10 July 2012

Submitting of PowerPoint presentations for quality assurance:  01 October 2012 To ensure thorough preparation and the quality of the programme, we require the presentations in advance. The content of the papers will then been checked to avoid repetition and prevent advertising.

Length of the presentation:

15-20 minutes per presentation, maximum 20 slides.

Conference language: English

Participation in the conference is free of charge for the speakers. After the conference, the presentations will be put online for the participants in a password protected area. Only approved presentations will be published.

The following information must be included in the submitted in the proposed topic (file format pdf): • Name of the speaker • Name of the company • Title of the presentation • Summary of the content • Contact details of the speaker The length of the submitted proposal may not exceed a DIN A 4 page.

CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Dr. Harald Binder CEO, BTC Technologies, Chairman of SEMI PV Group Dr. Eric Maiser Managing Director, VDMA Photovoltaic Equipment Karl-Heinz Remmers CEO, Solarpraxis AG Joachim Schmid Managing Director, VDMA Construction Equipment and Building Materials Machinery/ Mining Machines

Please send your proposal to: Anja Kleppek Solarpraxis AG Zinnowitzer Str. 1 10115 Berlin T +49 (0)30 726 296 305 Email: anja.kleppek@solarpraxis.de

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/15491/Author:

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