Post Time:Aug 28,2008Classify:Industry NewsView:472
Fiberglass is a kind of high-performance non-metallic inorganic material, widely used in auto industry, electronics industry, wind power, pipeline and container manufacture, and construction. Featured of high toughness, high corrosion resistance, chemical stability, high grade of waterproof, and long service life, fiberglass can be a good substitute for asbestine. Therefore, it is widely applied in developed countries and increasingly demanded.
According to the statistics of Chongqing Custom, from January to July, Chongqing has totally exported 110,000 tons of fibreglasses, increasing by 42.3% and accounting for 15% of China’s exports of the same product. It is worthy of USD 140 million, an increase of 77.7%.
Its main features are as follows:
1.Mainly in the way of processing imported materials and general trade;
2.95.5% of exports are centralized in an enterprise-Chongqing Polycomp International Corp. (CPIC);
3.Mainly exported to Asia and the EU, and less than the USA;
4.The leading varieties are low and middle grade of products.
Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: admin
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