Post Time:May 28,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:150
Glaston officials are "cautiously positive" about the glass processing market in 2013, reporting the company "stands on a stable foundation" following the sale of its A+W software subsidiary to Friedman Corp., as well as the sale of its Tampere, Finland, facility.
“During the beginning of 2013, we completed a series of actions to improve our financial position," said Arto Mets?nen, CEO and president, in a release. "The program was ambitious and the schedule very tight, but we were able to complete all the planned actions. As a result of this and the adjustment program that we implemented during the end of the year 2012, Glaston stands on a solid base. This gives us good opportunities for developing our business. We will continue our investments in product development and in the further development of glass processing lifecycle services," he said.
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