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Primaries, fabricators announce more price increases

Post Time:Jul 24,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:141

Citing increased raw material, labor, transportation and utility costs, Guardian Industries Corp. and PPG Industrieshave announced they will implement price increases ranging from 5 percent to 15 percent next month.

Viraconalso will raise prices, effective August 1.

In a July 13 letter to customers, Bill Widmann, vice president, North American Sales & Marketing, Guardian Industries, said the company would implement the following price increases, effective August 1, 2012:

15 percent on all tempered products11 percent on all clear, tinted, and textured glass products11 percent on Ultra White low-iron and electronics-grade glass products9 percent on all SunGuard, ClimaGuard and DiamondGuard coated and SatinDeco acid-etched products7.5 percent on all mirror and laminated products

MarkSeeton, director, Sales and Marketing, PPG Flat Glass, stated in a July 10 letter that PPG Industries Inc.would implement price increases in the following product categories, effective Aug. 6, 2012:

5 percent increase for Sungate 5007 percent increase for Starphire ultra-clear glass9 percent increase for clear glass, Atlantica, Azuria, Caribia, Graylite II, and Pacifica glasses; all Vistacool coated glasses; and all Solarcool coated glasses12 percent increase for Solarbronze, Solargray, Solarblue and Solexia glasses$0.12/square foot increase for Solarban 60 and Solarban 60VT on 6 mm clear glass

And in a July 20 letter to customers, Garret Henson, vice president of sales, Viracon,announced that the company would increase prices by approximately 9 percent on all quote requests received on or after August 1, 2012.

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