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NGA partners with SAS Insurance Development to provide health insurance program to members

Post Time:Oct 14,2010Classify:Industry NewsView:213

Officials at the National Glass Association, McLean, Va.,and SAS Insurance Development, Janesville, Wis.,announced a new member service that will provide core health insurance coverage to its members, according to an Oct. 5 release. Core health insurance provides limited medical indemnity plans that are designed and priced to help people save money, gain access to medical insurance, or supplement their current major medical plans. These plans are "guaranteed acceptance” and do not require medical questions or exams to qualify based on eligibility (age and state availability)."Our members have been telling us for some time they need access to affordable, guaranteed health insurance for their employees," said David Walker, vice president, NGA, in the release. "We believe we found the solution for the majority of our members. "NGA members who enroll by Oct. 31, 2010, will not be charged the $50 application fee. To learn more or to request a free quote, click here.

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