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NGA backs Allstate Distinguished Performers Program

Post Time:Nov 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:151

The National Glass Association, McLean, Va., endorsed Allstate Insurance Co.’s new Distinguished Performers Program, an initiative designed to recognize and reward quality workmanship among auto glass shops nationwide, according to a Nov. 6 release.The new program categorizes auto glass repair and replacement shops into two tiers. Tier 1 shops are those that meet best-in-class criteria for customer satisfaction, warranty frequency/performance, and other Key Performance Indicators. Tier 2 firms fall below those standards and are encouraged to improve their performance to achieve the quality recognition.“Allstate’s enhanced commitment to supporting quality auto glass repair and replacement services is a welcome declaration that price should not be the most important determinant in insurers’ claims decisions,” said Phil James, president and CEO, NGA, in the release.“We hope this bold step leads to similar moves by the entire insurance industry to put a premium on quality workmanship, safety and professionalism.”Allstate’s Distinguished Performers Program aligns with the NGA’s best practices philosophy and its goal of raising the bar for quality and professionalism across the auto glass industry. The program also ties in with the Metryx registry, which recognizes NGA Certification as the gold standard of professionalism among auto glass technicians.“This development likewise elevates the importance of attaining NGA Certification for every auto glass shop in North America as well as for following the standard established by AGRSS,” James said in the release. “We believe certification will be the common denominator among the majority of Allstate’s Tier 1 shops which, in turn, will lead to a distinct competitive advantage in the marketplace.”Allstate’s program was announced Nov. 1.Click here for more information on how you can become a part of the Metryx registry; or to get your technicians certified contact Miguel Rodriquez at NGA at 703/442-4890, ext 130, or writemrodriguez@glass.org.

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