Post Time:Jul 21,2009Classify:Industry NewsView:146
John Lewis, senior manager of business and outreach for National Fenestration Rating Council, Greenbelt, Md.,provided a progress report on the Component Modeling Approach on the first day of NFRC Summer Meeting, July 20-23, Baltimore.Two of the key improvements CMA offers over the Site Built Program are that 1.) Approved components do not require re-certification, and 2.) A single label certificate per project takes the place of multiple certificates.Beta testing of CMA is complete, and release of CMAST V 1.0.00 took place on July 6, 2009. Testing and evaluation continues as technical details are fine tuned. Several organizations have volunteered to take part of the pilot program, and the Heschong-Mahone Group in California will provide promotional efforts mainly in California. Ongoing promotional efforts, however, will seek to expand the CMA program beyond California, according to a July 20 report in NFRC News Now.
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