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New polypropylene 60% long glass fiber concentrate

Post Time:Nov 13,2008Classify:Glass QuotationView:657

RTP Company has applied its expertise in specialty compounding and masterbatch technologies to its popular long fiber thermoplastic (LFT) product line and has commercialized a new polypropylene LFT concentrate designed to meet demanding automotive specifications.

The melt impregnated LFT concentrate, grade designation RTP 199 X 118012, combines 60% by weight very long glass fiber reinforcement and masterbatch additives into a single pellet, allowing processors to easily blend it with neat polypropylene resin at the press. Improved economics delivered by the LFT concentrate provides processors worldwide with flexibility to achieve performance targets while reducing material costs, improving profits, and increasing their competitiveness in large volume LFT applications.

According to Eric Lee, Business Manager - Structural Products at RTP Company, "Our LFT concentrate is directed towards processors with large volume needs and engineered for shop floor simplicity. The advantages of using a concentrate really begin to accumulate when savings from reduced freight, inventory, and lower material costs are factored together."

The LFT concentrate can be used to elevate stiffness, impact resistance, and long-term endurance of polyolefin materials when diluted to long glass fiber levels of 20 to 40% in finished goods. Masterbatch additives are included to achieve superior dispersion, allowing the LFT concentrate to be blended with materials of varying melt flows. Other masterbatch additives can also be added to address specific performance objectives in molded articles as needed. It is ideal for injection molding applications such as automotive front-end modules and door plates, as well as large profile extrusions.

RTP Company's product portfolio depth and expertise in compounding all types of polymers, reinforcements, and functional additives sets it apart from other LFT suppliers whom have a more narrow product focus with limited customization capabilities. "RTP Company's LFT concentrate highlights our engineering knowledge and global network of manufacturing facilities to deliver a superior product, quickly, anywhere in the world," said Lee. "Customers appreciate our experience, because it provides confidence that our assessment skills will result in a solution that addresses their business needs first, without bias. If an LFT concentrate allows them to be more competitive, we want to provide them that advantage."

RTP Company's full line of engineered LFT composites are the materials of choice for many applications requiring properties that can not be obtained with traditional short or chopped glass fiber reinforced plastics. LFT composites provide superior strength-to-weight ratios, long-term creep and fatigue resistance, excellent impact properties, high load bearing ability, and the ability to be molded into large and complex shapes — making them ideal for replacing metal.

About RTP Company
RTP Company, headquartered in Winona, Minnesota, is a global leader in specialty compounding. The company has eight manufacturing plants on three continents, plus sales representatives throughout North America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific. RTP Company's engineers develop customized thermoplastic compounds in over 60 different engineering resin systems for applications requiring color, conductive, flame retardant, high temperature, shielding, structural, and wear resistant properties.

Source: RTP CompanyAuthor: shangyi

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