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Beijing Supower Company made breakthrough in the processing technology of diamond scribing wheels

Post Time:Nov 19,2008Classify:Glass QuotationView:682

For the high precision and high difficulty in processing diamond glass cutting wheels, there are only a few manufacturers in the world. Beijing Supower Company (formerly known as Beijing Xiboer Company), the only manufacturer of diamond scribing wheels and diamond axels in China, is continuously committed to technical innovations and has finally made breakthrough in the processing technology of those products in June this year.

 Diamond Wheels

1. Supower has broken through the limits in the cutting edge of the wheel so as to fit for all kinds of glass cutting. The cutting edge is sharper when viewing from high power microscope. Through the comparative test, this kind of wheel cuts higher-quality glass and serves longer.

2. Diamond axel is improved to have more smooth surface, which greatly reduces friction between the diamond scribing wheel and the inner bore and increases the service life of the axel.

Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi

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