Post Time:Jun 05,2014Classify:Industry NewsView:309
The Midwest—namely Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa—was hit with severe weather Tuesday, dropping hail, thunderstorms, flooding and even tornadoes onto different parts of the region.
As a result, damage from the storm put contract glaziers and glass shops in the different areas to work Wednesday.
According to KOLN-TV in Lincoln, Neb., “baseball-sized hail” shattered windows and homes in the northeast Nebraska cities of Norfolk and Blair.
In addition to a massive amount of damage absorbed by vehicle windows, WOWT in Omaha reported a “plate glass” window was broken at a video store, and KETV Omaha reported multiple homes with window damage.
In Missouri Valley, Iowa, the storm reportedly ripped off the roof of a hotel and tore the roof off of another building.™ contacted several glass shops and contract glaziers in the area, though none were able to offer specifics on the kind of work they’re doing as a result of the storm, as most were busy answering a flood of inquiries.
Matt White of Glass Doctor says it had fielded more than 400 calls regarding storm damage as of noon Wednesday, and another shop contacted in the Sioux City area said “it wasn’t a good time” to speak due to the volume of calls it was receiving.
A representative at Lincoln Glass in Lincoln, Neb., says it was “swamped” with work Wednesday morning, though other shops in the immediate area of Lincoln reported few or no inquiries regarding damaged windows as a result of the storms.
In addition, two shops said they weren’t sure what kind of workload they’re in for because their phone lines had just resumed service.
Source: Author: shangyi