Post Time:Jul 11,2014Classify:Company NewsView:419
Out of print 5th issue of a monthly research journal "Glass and Ceramics" for 2014.
Contents of the April issue:
- Effect of fineness of glass batch on the structure and properties of foamed glass.
The influence of dispersion glass batch on the basic parameters of foam glass. Established that the choice of a particular combination of particle size distribution of the feedstock and the temperature-time conditions of its foaming is provided a foam glass with desired performance properties.
- Features of structural changes in porous glass under the action of laser radiation at the "cold" termouplotnenii.
Reported an attempt to modify the local optical properties of the plates in a volume porosity of macroporous glass sm3/sm3 0.58 and the average size of the channels 50 - 70 nm, weakly absorbing material under the action of laser radiation. The radiation source used fiber laser with a wavelength of λ = 1,07 m, pulse duration τi ~ 100 ns and repetition frequency υ = 10 - 100 kHz. Shows the dependence of temperature and radiation power transmitted through the area of ??exposure, the duration of exposure.
- Investigation of density granular penosteklokeramiki using mathematical modeling.
The possibility of granulated foam glass through the use of domestic and industrial cullet fusible ceramic filler and organic additives. An environmentally safe alternative technology producing insulating material - granulated penosteklokeramiki. In the study of physical and technical characteristics of the pellets used mathematical modeling methods for the experiment.
Source: shangyi