Post Time:Jan 05,2015Classify:Industry NewsView:405
Even fans with so-called nosebleed seats at a stadium can feel like they are on top of the action when teams employ a new software involving smart glasses.
CrowdOptic equips team announcers, cheerleaders and courtside staff with enabled smart glasses. Live feeds from the glasses are broadcast on the Jumbotron and to TV and social media, getting attending fans and those watching at home closer to the action.
The Sacramento Kings and Indiana Pacers of the NBA, the Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL, NASCAR, and the United States Tennis Association are currently using the software. CrowdOptic is only available to franchises and not individual fans at a cost of $50,000. An onsite server is installed with the CrowdOptic software and then the franchise can choose the smart glass of its choice.
Each franchise can decide if it will make the software available to attending fans with smart glass through a downloadable link. The inherited view feature allows fans tailgating outside a stadium to share the view of a referee on the field or staff on the sidelines who is wearing smart glasses.
Source: shangyi