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Approved new standards for glass construction, technical and household purposes

Post Time:Mar 06,2015Classify:Industry NewsView:477

On April 1, 2016 on the territory of the Russian Federation introduced for voluntary use by a number of international standards for glass construction, technical and household purposes. Standards are designed JSC "Institute of Glass" in order to ensure the promotion of compliance with technical regulations (TR CU) "On the safety of buildings and structures, building materials and products."


GOST 111-2014 "Flat glass colorless. Specifications "designed to replace GOST 111-2001 F"lat glass. Specifications", in comparison with which it made ??the following changes:


- Excluded glass type M2, M3, M5, M6, as having no practical application; notation marks M0, M1, M4, M7 left unchanged to avoid confusion among consumers glass;


- added a new type of product - glass with high light transmittance (particularly transparent glass);


- requirements tolerated dimensions are aligned with European standards ; - substantially reworked sections "Labelling, packaging", "Acceptance", "Methods of control", "Transport and storage", "Precautions".


The draft standard contains normative references to the existing interstate standards, as well as projects of interstate standards to be adopted and put into effect before or simultaneously with this standard.


The object of standardization GOST 32997-2014 "Flat glass, tinted. General specifications " is tinted float glass, fabricated by the float or vertical stretching, designed for glazing of translucent structures and building products manufacturing, technical and household products, including tempered and laminated glass, coated glass, mirrors, windows, products for furniture, interiors, means of transport.


GOST ISO 16932-2014 «Glass and glassware. Safety glass, resistant to storms. Test method and classification " , describes a test method for resistance to storms and classification of protective glazing. According to test results to assess the capacity of glazing of buildings and structures to resist degradation by wind load. The standard is identical to the international standard ISO 16932: 2007 "Glass in building. Safety glass, resistant to storms. Testing and classification. "


The object of standardization GOST EN 675-2014 «Glass and glassware. Methods for determining the thermal characteristics. Determination of thermal resistance by measuring the heat flow " is a method of determining the value of heat transfer coefficient (magnitude U) in the central area of glazing without edge effects. The results of measurements of the reference sample to calibrate the test set, after which it can be used to measure the thermal resistance of the samples with similar parameters. The measured thermal resistance of the heat transfer coefficient is calculated glazing with given boundary conditions. The value of thermal resistance of the glazing is then calculated as the reciprocal value of the heat transfer coefficient U. GOST is identical to the European standard EN 675 Regional: 2011 "Glass in building. Determination of thermal transmittance (value of U). Method of measuring the heat flux".

China Glass Network

Source: http://www.steklosouz.ru/news/show&id=3303Author: shangyi

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